
Atlanta Personal Injury Lawyer Cites Back Injuries as Common in Truck Accidents

Surviving a truck accident is not always easy. Often, there are serious injuries, many that involve a victim’s back.

“By far, the most common injury in a truck accident is a back injury. They have the potential to be catastrophic, since the back is our major foundation and any injury to the spinal cord may turn out to be devastating. In particular, spinal injuries and herniated discs are injuries that can alter a person’s life for good,” said Stephen M. Ozcomert, who handles personal injury cases, accidents, and malpractice law in Atlanta, Georgia.

The back is what holds people up, their foundation. It is vital to one’s overall health and physical wellness. As many people with back injuries can attest, back problems usually lead to other health issues. This is why injury to the spine is considered to be one of the worst things anyone can sustain. Without back mobility, the rest of the body just does not cooperate.

“Many people will recall Christopher Reeve, thrown from a horse during a competition, and rendered a quadriplegic for the rest of his life,” Ozcomert said.

The thing most people do not realize is that it does not take a lot of force to cause serious back or spinal cord injuries. The unfortunate thing is that someone may sustain a herniated disc by inadvertently twisting too fast. One can well imagine how much injury could be caused by an 18-wheeler slamming into a car or motorcycle.

Typically, back or spinal cord injuries incurred due to a trucking wreck are life altering. The person who survives will have a major uphill battle to live any kind of a normal life afterwards. “The seriousness of the injuries is factored into any award the jury may hand down when the trial is concluded,” Ozcomert said.

The precipitating factor in many 18-wheeler back or spinal injuries has to do with the force of the collision, which is also most often from behind. The powerful impact slams the driver back and forth, like a whip, which generally results in back injuries. Add in the force of a truck smacking into a car and the results range from devastating to disastrous.

For those who have been in a wreck with an 18-wheeler and have sustained back or spinal cord injuries, seek the assistance of seasoned legal counsel to ensure you get appropriate compensation for your injuries and your pain, anguish and mental suffering. You may need care for the rest of your life. A qualified and experienced personal injury lawyer will get you that compensation,” Ozcomert said.

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